San Diego County Fair Exhibit Second Place winner!

Mind’s Eye watercolor painting included in the San Diego County Fair Exhibit 2019.

San Diego County fair exhibit
Watercolor painting on Arches cold press paper

This is one of my favorite paintings. It consists of many of the elements I usually can not do when working with makeup, but would like to. Glossy lid in shocking magenta. Purple, teal and blue all mingling with one another -yet not blending. Blending inevitably occurs when working with cosmetics due to body temperature and natural skin oils. The hundreds of thousands of gestures, blinks, smiles and other expressions create tiny creases in which the makeup travel and settle into. Mind’s Eye also hints at the slightest dusting of powder in the eye. Something I try to avoid at all costs when working with makeup and a human eye.

Eyes are so interesting and unique as we each have completely different colors and depth. The iris has 256 unique characteristics while the fingerprint only has 40. I’ve always enjoyed the art of playing-up someone’s eye color just by the shades used next to them. Some lucky individuals are blessed with a dark ring around their iris. It acts much as a frame for a picture and is said to be a sign of beauty.

I feel fortunate to work so closely to peoples eyes and to truly see all of the details so beautifully encompassed in this small circle. Although brown is the most common color I have met people with two different color eyes, a trait known as heterochromia. I’ve seen speckled eyes, yellow eyes and my favorite -green!

watercolor painting san diego county fair exhibit
Mind’s Eye 2019 San Diego County Fair exhibit
Second place

I call this watercolor painting Mind’s Eye because we actually see with our brain. The eye acts as a camera sending information to the brain.

Let me know if I can create a commissioned watercolor portrait painting for you.

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